
Sep 02, 2024 Trung Dũng Hoàng joined our lab as a PhD student. Welcome Trung!
Jul 01, 2024 Dr. Alceu Bissoto joined our lab as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Alceu!
Jun 13, 2024 We had two papers accepted at the MICCAI 2024 conference. Congratulations to Kerol Djoumessi and Julius Gervelmeyer!
May 09, 2024 New paper alert! Our work on distribution shift detection for postmarket-surveillance of medical AI algorithms just appeared at npj Digital Medicine.
Apr 05, 2024 We had two papers accepted at the MIDL 2024 conference. Congratulations to Patrick Köhler, Anna Wundram and Paul Fischer!
Apr 01, 2024 Lisa Koch started as an assistant professor at the University of Bern, Switzerland.